All are Welcome
Our goal is to provide a time for your spirit to rest and be refilled through prayer, word, communion and song

We are a mix of people, some who find joy in a church service and some who love different expressions of faith. We celebrate our diversity and harness that energy to propel us into new ways of experiencing our faith. Our worship style is evolving, not towards an “ideal” experience, but as a journey that embraces many ways of honoring God. We set aside personal preferences and open ourselves to new worship experiences.
As Lutherans, our services will always include elements of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending. Sometimes these will be easy to recognize, sometimes not, but they will always be heartfelt. We invite you to experience our community of worship with us.
Worship Times
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
We are both in-person or online via Facebook or YouTube
What about My Kids?
Children are welcome. A children’s sermon is included in the service each week. Many adults say the learn as much from it as from the regular sermon!
Activity bags are available with crayons and coloring books in case your child begins to squirm! Sunday school is available during the school year.
What to Expect
The worship service is about 60 minutes long and is a blend of traditional and contemporary elements. Dress is casual including jeans.
Music is live and changes somewhat weekly based on availability of our talented musicians. So, from week to week, you may hear a variety of horns, electric and acoustic guitars, drums, keyboard, bass and an occasional cello! Lyrics as well as prayers are projected onto screens so you can engage as you like. Bulletins are also available for those attending in person.
Communion is served each week and is open to all, no restrictions. Attendees walk up the center aisle, receive a piece of bread (or gluten free wafer). They then receive a small cup of wine or grape juice. The cups are returned to a receptacle as you walk back to your seat.