Adventing the New

Sitting at my desk between Christmas and New Years, I am struck by some random thoughts. These holidays neatly bookend a “winter” break for many. No snow around here; it’s pouring rain around my house right now. Packages have been wrapped, unwrapped, enjoyed, returned, and broken by now. Of course, for those who can’t make gift giving decisions, there is the gift card. Instead of carefully choosing a gift to give (or making one), many opt for the gift card so that the receiver makes the decision. Is that good or bad?

The most essential element of Christmas for us Christians is the birth of a baby in a manger in Bethlehem. It is the story of wonder, angels, shepherds, kings, and a young, betrothed woman chosen to bear the son of God. God, who made everything, sends his son to live among the “regular folk” to teach all how God wants everyone to live. The Advent candles have been lit; the Christ child is born. The holiday brings hope, peace, joy, and love. The birth of Jesus represents the light in the darkness that darkness cannot overcome.

So, what is this other holiday – New Years? Actually, it is a two-day celebration. December 31 – especially in the evening – people all over the world (not just us Christians) say good-bye to the old year. To those of us using the Gregorian calendar established in 1582, January 1 is a magical date. Why? It represents “out with the old” and “in with the new” personally, and culturally. It represents fresh starts, reflections, and hope for the future. Let’s think about it a bit and use it as a date for selfanalysis, introspection, or to get technical, “metacognition.” Simply put, the new year is a time to reflect on what we have done and learn what we have to do differently to be successful and happy. It’s more about giving and changing than giving up.

So, the bookends are different, but similar. One is religious; one is secular. They are celebrated differently. However, think again about the Advent Candles – they light a world of hope, peace, joy, and love. Isn’t that what God wants for everyone? Christian or not?

God Loves You. Happy New Year!

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