at Trinity in Warrenville, IL
We Hope to See You Soon!
Join Trinity at one of our many events. Check the calendar below for dates and times then add it to your own calendar. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Trinity Book Club
We meet on the last Friday of every month at 10:30am.
At our Friday, February 28 meeting, we’ll discuss The Island of Sea Women by Linda See.
All are welcome, contact the office if you need more information!

Free Community Pancake Breakfast
Join us for delicious pancakes and sausage. Gluten free available.
First Saturday of each month, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
All are welcome!

Prayer Shawl & Chit Chat Group
The Prayer Shawl Group meets every week for some fellowship while they knit and crochet prayer shawls, chemo hats, and other items.
Fridays. 9:30-10:30
Hang around at 10:30 for more fellowship with the Chit Chat Group but you can put down your knitting needles and just enjoy the conversation.
Friday’s 10:30-11:30
All are welcome.

Men’s Group
Join us for our weekly men’s group. We will start with some conversation and see where it leads.
Every Thursday, 9:30 a.m.
All are welcome!

Free Mental Wellness Seminar Series
Do want to learn more about mental health?
Kayla Pape (Licensed Professional Counselor) and Jessica Atkins (Licensed Professional Counselor) will run a free mental health education group
- Third Sunday of every month from 11am-12:00 p.m.
- New topic every month
- Everyone 18 years or older is welcome!
- Non-denominational
Contact [email protected] with questions
This is NOT group therapy, individual therapy, a resource for crisis situations, or a resource to obtain psychiatric medications.