Reflect the radical love of Christ is the calling card of Trinity. When we chose it, we explained the use of the term radical in our context, since “radical” has many meanings and connotations. For example, some of us remember calling the hippies “radical” because of their “extremist, often fanatical attitudes toward typical American life, i.e., characterized by independence of or departure from tradition.” How can we use term “radical” to describe the love of Christ.? Jesus was loving, merciful, caring, fair, self-sacrificing, and just. That is just the point. What Jesus did was a complete departure from what most of society was doing during his lifetime.
Guess what? He helped those who were marginalized and ignored, and now we at Trinity are doing the same thing. We are reaching out to the marginalized and ignored in our community and surrounding area. We collect food, support food pantries, and work with Johnson School, providing food and clothing. We knit coverlets and caps for the sick, and we feed families whose children are in the hospital (Ronald Mc’Donald house). We also provide meals for the Night Ministry in Chicago, and we willingly answer the call to help those in need. Our small numbers belie the amount we give back to the community.
What makes us authentic? I have always been a little suspicious of the word “authentic” since its true definition is “having an origin supported by unquestionable evidence, real, true.” There have been times that an item, advertised as authentic leather or authentic piece of sculpture or an authentic document has proven a rip-off or copy. Furthermore, how often is the word used to describe a signature on a baseball that is stamped on to make it look real?
But I can use the word “authentic” to describe what we at Trinity do. We are a group of people who don’t just “talk the talk,” but also “walk the walk.” Which means, we back up Christ’s radical empowering words with actions that benefit others. We have turned our world view beyond the walls of our building and selves to others outside. Ironically, focusing our view outward, I think, enhances our relationship with God and just plain makes our hearts feel good.
But we need a reality check. We are moving into the “stewardship” season. So exactly what is Stewardship? It is “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” For Trinity it means the building and its staff. We live in a society that depends on the exchange of money to get management functions accomplished. As we move into the season of Stewardship, consider our Radical Authenticity as you pledge for 2025. It is an important part of our Radical Authenticity.